EP32: What Could Be Keeping You From Having The Best Sex Life Ever!

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three pink cartoon hearts



Episode Summary:

In today’s episode, I’m interviewing Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, also known as the “Queen of Vibrators” and the “Orthodox Sex Guru”. In this explicit-tell-it-like-it-is, nothing-is-off-limit conversation, she talks about her book, Sex Points, and how we can identify and analyze for ourselves what factors are affecting our sex life.

Today’s Guest

Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus

Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus is a certified sex therapist and the clinical director of Maze Women’s Sexual Health, the largest independent center for women’s sexual health in the USA. She is passionate about helping women have a healthy and robust sex life.

You’ll Learn…

a Pinterest pin quote for the Rebel Love Podcast Episode 32 titled "What Could Be Keeping You From Having The Best Sex Life Ever" that says "I feel like if the sex is good, very often the relationship, the communication, and all these othr pieces can follow." by Dr Bat Sheva Marcus in a pink paper background

🖤 About what inspired Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus to write her book, Sex Points.

🖤 About the importance of talking about sex with your partner and physicians.

🖤 What Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus thinks when women are the high-desire partner.

🖤 What advice she has for women with partners suffering from premature ejaculation. 

🖤 How she was able to treat successfully a 56-year-old woman suffering from pain during sex.

🖤 About the importance of embracing and owning your sexual fantasies.


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Your Host


Talia is the owner and founder of Rebel Love, a blog that was

 conceptualised during a difficult period of her life, that hopes to turn pain into something positive by fostering discovery and connections.

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