21 Full-Length Interviews from Sex, Love & Relationship Experts ($497 Value)
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21 experts and speakers in the Love, Sex and Relationships space

Charlie & Linda Bloom
Letting Go: Why It’s Easier Said Than Done
Charlie and Linda are relationship counsellors, seminar leaders, authors, and the best part, life partners for over 50 years.

Dr Susan Campbell
Ending Things Consciously: Being More Resilient in the Face of Emotional Pain
Authored nine books on relationships and conflict resolution has delivered hundreds of seminars and workshops internationally and has counselled thousands of individuals and couples.

Susan Bratton
Your Four Relationship Values
An author, award-winning speaker, and serial entrepreneur who teaches passionate lovemaking techniques to her fans around the world.

Carlos Cavallo
A Peek Inside the Mind of a Male; Tips from a Dating and Attraction Adviser
A dating and attraction adviser and motivational life coach.

Deborah Morehead
How to Re-find Yourself After a Relationship
Has 25 years experience as a therapist, writer of the #1 best-selling book Conscious Love: Enlightened Relationships and Soulful Sex, and founder of effective Happiness Freedom Formula.

Dr. Marni Feuerman
Reasons We are Drawn to Toxic or Personality Disordered People and What We Can Do About It
Has a doctorate in psychology and is a licensed clinical social worker specializing in marriage and family therapy. She’s a clinical supervisor, a public speaker, and a relationship advice media consultant.

Freyja Inanna
How Forgiveness is Integral to Healing and Being Free to truly Love Again
An OBGYN nurse and registered midwife, an Integrative Orgasmic Life Alchemist, and a Sexuality & Pleasure Mentor for Women.

Kim Von Berg
Shifting Your Focus to Call In “The One”!
20 years as a relationship expert & love coach. She is a communication specialist with a master’s degree in Humanistic Psychology, a certified NLP expert, a certified coach by the International Coach Federation (ICF), as well as a Calling in “The One” certified coach.

Jacqui Olliver
Highlight Common Behaviors that Disconnect People from You and What You Need to Do Instead
A psychosexual relationship specialist at endtheproblem.com and a co-founder of the Life Education Initiative and MATES Cafe ConnectUp, a platform committed to erasing loneliness.

Judith Sherven & Jim Sniechowski
The Tests that Help Create Your Next Relationship
More than 70 years of combined experience. They are executive coaches and leadership consultants for companies such as LinkedIn and Credit Karma as well as appearing on Oprah, The View, and CNN to name a few.

Lori A. Davis
Getting a Fresh Start on Life After the End of a Relationship- How to Move Beyond the Fear of Failure, and Loneliness to Love Again
An author and certified relationship specialist with over 30 years experience, she has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, she’s a coach on the new Radical Dating Show, a speaker, and the author of her book, “Unmasking Secrets to Unstoppable Relationships.”

Macy Matarazzo
Wake UP and Smell the Loser: How to Stop Attracting Jerks, Especially for Women in their 30s and 40s That are Losing Hope
Known as Coach Macy, she coaches women from all around the world to find their unicorn love!

Rebekah Beneteau
Sex, Self-esteem and Showing Up as Your Authentic Self
A life coach specializing in the areas of sexuality, body image and relationships and the owner of pleasureevolution.com.

Melissa Josue
How to Avoid Making the Same Mistakes in your Next Relationship
A dating coach for conscious single women who are frustrated with dating and who just keep meeting men who aren’t ready to commit.

Lauren Brim
Setting Up Environments That Support Healthy Sex Drive & Lasting Love When It Arrives
Has been featured in Bustle, Cosmopolitan, The Telegraph, and Glamour. She has worked in the general healing arts for over fourteen years as a practitioner and teacher across North America, Europe, and Africa and is the creator of Adult Play Mat.

Myola Woods
How Keeping your Heart Open Can Optimize Your Life
A certified sexological bodyworker and somatic sex educator with extensive experience in education, bodywork and energetics.

Rosalind Sedacca
Dating with Children after Divorce
A divorce & co-parenting coach and mentor. She founded the Child-Centered Divorce Network for parents ten years after her own divorce when her son was eleven years old.

Teal Elizabeth
Redefining Relationships for the Modern Woman
A professional relationship coach and founder of Relax Into Love Coaching. She has been featured in Commitment Connection, Women on Top, Freedom Lifestyle & Sass Magazine.

Nicole Haley
Getting Back Out There After A Breakup!
Been featured on CBC News, Global News, and Every Woman and she’s here today to talk about getting back out there after a break-up.

Jill Sherer Murray
It’s Never Too Late to Find the Big Wild Love!
A TEDx speaker, author, and coach. Her talk, The Unstoppable Power of Letting Go has been viewed by millions of people on YouTube. An award-winning journalist and communications leader who cites practically every success she’s had in her career and love-life to letting go.

Amelia Fortes
The 5 Deceptions that Stand In the Way of Your Ideal Lovelife
A certified hypnotherapist and self-love coach for women’s empowerment. she spent 5 years working with best-selling author and coach Robert Kiyosaki and was teaching finance and relationship and leadership principles to thousands of college students and professionals.