Riley Pierce

Riley Pierce

Riley Pierce is a sex worker, semi-professional belly-dancer, psychology student, and sexuality enthusiast based in Melbourne, Australia. A regular writer in her own free time, she is delighted to have an opportunity to share that writing on a new platform with a bigger focus on specific issues that interest her. Riley works with the belief that empathy and understanding can help reduce stigma and judgement and hopes to contribute to a world where people are free to be themselves without judgement from others. The understanding of the experiences of others may also offer insight and personal growth that can benefit each of us, and these discussions can hopefully generate interpersonal and intrapersonal growth. At the same time, she recognises that many of the issues she loves to talk about are incredibly complex and nuanced, and often simplified within the media for the sake of an easy read or due to a lack of awareness. She hopes to contribute to discussions around these issues in a way that acknowledges these complexities and brings about a deeper level of understanding.
A Pinterest Pin that says "I always wanted to be a sex worker" and an image of a white man hugging a white woman from behind with a pink circle in the background

I Always Wanted To Be A Sex Worker

Being a sex worker is also about more than sensuality and physical intimacy; the women and men in this industry provide comfort, companionship, and emotional support to many people.

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