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Being the best version of yourself doesn’t happen overnight. Sometimes it feels like it’s you against the world, a never-ending project, but it’s the most important project that you will work on. It’s worth every drop of sweat and every second spent.

a pinterest pin that says "It starts with being brave. It's being brave enough to be different." on  purple background with orange hearts on opposite corners

First, you have to be very patient because it’s a long and turbulent journey. It takes years of practice; it takes a lot of perseverance. But it all starts with commitment: committing to being the best possible version of yourself, to reaching your highest potential in every aspect of your life, committing to fighting against adversity, taking everything that could destroy you and using it to build you up instead.

Being the best version of yourself starts with believing in yourself and what you’re capable of achieving. It starts with being brave: brave enough to go after what you want, to find your calling, to uncover your passion and bring it to life, to follow your own voice. It’s being brave enough to be different.

Being the best version of yourself is a full-time job that you have to commit to every day. It’s not something that you work on for a few years and then drops: it’s a lifetime commitment, a muscle to constantly exercise. It’s a decision to always say, “good riddance” to things that don’t support your self-worth or your growth, to put an end to things that don’t help you become a better person and to choose yourself over anyone who could bring you down.

woman doing yoga pose

Being the best version of yourself isn’t always easy because it means being hard on yourself sometimes. You have to sit with yourself and admit that you screwed up, that you’re flawed, that you need to change. Change the parts that don’t fulfil your greatest potential: the old beliefs and patterns, the bad habits. Being the best version of yourself means that you have to admit that you need to change first if you want your life to change.

Being the best version of yourself also means that you need to take care of your mind, body and soul. To nurture yourself and listen to your body so you can meet your own needs. To equip yourself with self-care so you can nurture others because you can’t give what you don’t have. You can’t love and take care of others if you’re neglecting yourself. You can’t keep sacrificing and compromising and putting yourself last. It’s like the oxygen mask on an airplane: if you don’t put your mask on first, you won’t be able to save others. You have to look at what you truly need and what you can do for yourself before extending yourself to others.

The one thing that will set you apart from others and make this journey easier is believing that you deserve the best things in life. You are worth all the blessings that God has given you. You deserve to succeed in doing what you love. You deserve to find someone who can love and cherish you forever. You deserve to be living a happy and healthy life. You deserve to be content with who you are. You deserve to reach your ultimate potential and transform. You deserve to live your dreams.

Because it all starts with a vision: if you can envision a bright future being the best possible version of yourself, then surely, you will become it.