Rebel Love Podcast logo on a bright pink background with black dots. With Talia's cartoon image on the left, and 3 heart drawings in black on top of her head. The words Love, Sex & Relationships on the top right. A Rebel Love black and white logo on the bottom right.

EP36: Is Your Personality Type Working Against You?

Hosted by:

three pink cartoon hearts



Episode Summary:

In this episode, I’m interviewing Merrick Rosenberg, a personality expert and the award-winning author of Taking Flight!, The Chameleon, and Personality Wins, three books about stepping into the power of your personality. 

Through his reimagined approach to understanding personality styles, Merrick teaches us how our personalities can both help and hinder us. When we step into the power of our personality, we can increase effectiveness at work, deepen personal relationships, parent with compassion, and live a more fulfilling life.

Today’s Guest

Merrick Rosenberg

Merrick has taught more than 100,000 people how to incorporate their personality styles into their work and lives. Based on the popular DISC system, Merrick’s training program, Taking Flight with DISC, is recognized as the Best Personality Styles Training Program in the United States by Corporate Vision Magazine.

You’ll Learn

🖤 Why Merrick Rosenberg chose to become a personality expert

🖤 About his reimagined approach to teaching us to identify our personality type. 

🖤 How personality styles play out in our lives, including how we parent, date, and collaborate at work.

🖤 About how some conflicts are due to our personality types clashing

🖤 About secondary personality and recognising it in our kids, partners, and coworkers to deepen our relationships.


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Your Host


Talia is the owner and founder of Rebel Love, a blog that was

 conceptualised during a difficult period of her life, that hopes to turn pain into something positive by fostering discovery and connections.

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