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A Pinterest pin that says "25 Questions To Spice Up Your Quarantine" with A couple having pollow fight above the bed in white sheets. Red background with circles that are in gold glitters, white, and yellow.

Let’s face it, depending on where you’re reading this from, you’re likely dealing with a particularly high level of crazy. Some of us are back out in the world, full swing. Others are cooped up in their homes, be it voluntarily or as mandated. Regardless, a lot of us are feeling a little on edge, disconnected, and increasingly…frisky.

Whether you have a significant other living with you, or you’re dealing with singledom in this new and strange, hook-up free world, it’s time to kick the Covid convos and get sparks flying again (be it IRL or virtually). So, snuggle up to your SO or iPad and lean into something a little spicier with these 25 questions.

The Rules

It’s simple. Take turns asking a question, one at a time. Both (or all, depending on how many people are participating) get a turn to answer each question. Have follow up questions or curiosities for a particular answer? Ask! The point is to have fun, get silly, and let yourself go.

Do you play sex games with your partner?

Here we go…

1. What is a hard limit for you sexually?

Starting off strong! This is a great way to set the tone for conversations and activities. Giving insight into what you don’t want is as important as knowing what turns you on!

2. You can watch your partner have sex with a celebrity, who do you pick?

Ooh la la. Two hotties at once? This is a tough one…

3. If you could watch any two people have sex (assuming they are enthusiastically consenting), who would you choose?

Not including your partners or other participants, people! Let’s see who else is living in those fantasies of yours!

4. To star in a porno, what would be your minimum asking price?

Because we all have a number.

5. What is the most embarrassing thing that can happen during sex?

Other than defecating on yourself, as it seems like the obvious answer… I mean, unless you’re into that!

6. What’s your trick to prolong orgasm?

My husband’s trick? He thinks about produce. Yes, fruits and vegetables. I don’t know about you but eggplants and peaches seem pretty sexy to me…

7. What is your best sexual memory with each other?

If you don’t have any sexual memories with each other yet, think about a hot experience you had with a previous partner. What made it so memorable? Maybe it’s time to recreate it…together!

8. Favourite way to orgasm?

Position, technique, whatever! Let it all out!

9. If you were giving a strip tease, what costume would you choose?

Classic dancer? Catwoman? Chewbacca?

10. Who was the subject of your first fantasy?

Or the earliest fantasy you recall. I remember Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas. I was a wonderfully odd child.

11. What is the maximum number of people you would have sex with at one time?

All you orgy lovers in the house, this is your moment!

12. What is your ultimate sexual fantasy?

This is a tricky one because not all fantasies are accompanied by the desire to live them out. Sometimes the things we think of are for the fun of it in our own minds. What’s something you imagine often, that turns you on, even if you don’t need it IRL?

13. What is the best time of day to have sex?

3:47pm Eastern Standard Time… Kidding.

14. If you could have sex anywhere in the world and not get caught, where would you be?

The world is your oyster, full of pearls and other kinky things! Do you choose one of the seven wonders or your parent’s bed?

15. What have you done sexually that you never thought you would do, and enjoyed it?

If you have a partner, is there anything you explored together that was pleasantly surprising? Give some gratitude, or share a previous experience, and decide if it’s something you’d ever revisit…

16. What do you like to hear when you have sex?

The sound of waves hitting the shoreline, beautiful words being whispered in your ear? Or profanities and spanking?

17. What fictional character would you watch in a porno?

Let’s make it interesting with these categories: which two cartoon characters, which two superheroes, which two characters from a television show/series, and which two characters from film.

18. What object is the best for enhancing sexual experiences?

Cock-ring and vibrator, handcuffs and blindfold… spatula and banana (be sure to use a condom, folks!)?

19. If we could have a threesome with someone from a different country, what country would you pick?

International fantasies? Tres bien! Hablame! Kann ich eine Brezel zu meiner Wurst haben? Umm…

20. What do you do to turn on your partner? And what’s the best way your partner can turn you on?

Kisses on the neck, back rubs, dirty talk, a romantic dinner… What makes you feel desired?

21. What single word turns you on most?

There are between 470-600k words in the English language. Best of luck!

22. What destination would you pick for a romantic getaway?

And what would be your ideal itinerary? Don’t be cheap…

23. What question would you ask a sexologist?

There are no wrong questions. Can’t promise you’ll get the right answers…

24. What would be your ideal position in a threesome?

Where do you see yourself in that puzzle? Bottom. Top. In between. Mouth. Body. Genitals. Am I painting a vivid picture yet? 

25. What is your love language?

Ending it on a soft note with love languages: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch. Unsure? Take the quiz!

Did you enjoy these questions?

Hope You Had Fun

Truly. I hope these questions opened you up a bit. I hope you shared some laughs, and even more thoughtful discoveries.

Until next time,

Fuck well friends (and stay safe!).

Quean Mo