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Halloween is my favourite holiday. It’s the one day of the year I can let my spooky, slutty self out into public and actually fit in with society. But thanks to Covid-19, we won’t be joining together in the traditional, annual festivities. Even so, I encourage everyone to fulfill this magical holiday! In fact, as a big “eff you” to this pandemic, I’m sharing the top 3 costumes for a kinky Halloween in, and some sizzling pointers on how to make this the most memorable one you’ve had in years!
The Classic: Nurse and Patient
The relationship between nurse and patient is a special one. With this kind of attention, you’ll be mending more than superficial wounds…
What You Need
Depending on your Halloween budget, the options are endless. A homemade version of the nurse costume is simple:
1. A white, mini dress (or oversized t-shirt), with a homemade red cross pinned to the chest of the dress. To add more authenticity, build a stethoscope prop; Or
2. Monochrome outfit (usually blue), a mask (I’m sure we all have plenty of these lying around), and a homemade stethoscope prop.
If you prefer purchasing over crafting, here are a few variations:
Heartbreaker Nurse
Cardiac Arrest Nurse (I own this one, and it’s bomb!)
Cardiac Arrest Nurse – Sexy Plus Size
Modest Scrub Nurse
Nurse Scrubs (Shirt/Pants)
Stethoscope Prop
What You Can Do
If you want to add some genuine role play to your 2020 Halloween, here are a few prompts to get the party started:
Patient Needs Healing
The nurse is a caring medical practitioner and takes their job very seriously. So, when a new patient arrives and says they are hurting everywhere, the nurse is ready to do everything they can to help their patient heal. What requests will the patient have?
Naughty Nurse
In this scenario, the nurse is taking care of a patient in a psych ward. This patient is unpredictable and requires restraints. Once bound, the patient is at the mercy of the nurse… How naughty can this nurse be? (Suggested equipment: restraints, such as handcuffs, rope, belt or scarf).
The Perfect Couple: Morticia and Gomez Addams
Are you and your partner looking to embody high sexual energy and obsess over each other? Well then, I suggest my favourite pop-cult couple, Morticia and Gomez Addams.
What You Need
Morticia Addams
Dark contouring and a raven wig are staples for this goddess. Finish it off with a long black gown, and a calm, mischievous attitude.
Gomez Addams
Depending on which pop-cult Gomez you wish to depict, costumes vary. My favourite is this number from the 1993 Addams family patriarch. A dashing purple suit jacket, blue dress shirt, and dark slacks will do the trick. To complete the look, slick back your hair, add a moustache, and be as suave as you are spooky.
Photo by EVERETT COLLECTION; Illustration Dillen Phelps
What You Can Do
Gomez is consumed by his beloved. This is evident in their intense chemistry, the constant infinite exchange of sexual innuendos, and the famous image of Gomez laying kisses all the way up to his wife’s arm.
A great way to embody this deviant couple is to experiment with body worship[B1]. Body worship is a practice whereby one physically and verbally reveres a part of another’s body. Although the entire body can be worshipped during this practice, it’s also a great activity for individuals with specific fetishes (calling all foot lovers!).
To make this a true Addams rendezvous, add a few restraints to increase Morticia’s experience. (Suggested equipment: handcuffs, rope, belt, or scarf).
The Wild and the Innocent: King Kong and Ann Darrow
Does anyone else fantasize about being abducted by a big, strong monster…? No, only me then? Well, if you are curious about sacrifice and/or abduction play, this is the option for you.
What You Need
For the partner playing Kong, you can go as simple as an ape mask, or go as crazy as a full, head-to-toe ape costume. Ann Darrow, the beautiful victim, sports a white gown, and curly, blonde locks.
What You Can Do
Pre-arrange a sacrificial scenario with your partner, whereby Ann Darrow is tied to a chair and before they can escape, Kong storms in and abduct them. Ann Darrow is no match for the ferocious beast. Kong takes its prey back to their layer (i.e. bedroom) and…
The rest is up to you.
Some Sexy Extras
Owner and Pet
Dressing up as an animal is an easy and inexpensive way to participate in Halloween. To add some flavour to this year’s costume, have one partner dress as the animal’s master. Some cute and sexy staples: the kitty cat, the bunny rabbit, the puppy dog.
The owner can have fun by “training” their pet to do tricks while offering them rewards for good behaviour. Suggested equipment: collar, leash, and whip (you know, for some good, ol’ fashion discipline).
The Forbidden Fruit
When’s the last time you’ve gone to confession? Not religious? Well, let’s make an exception this Halloween.
Have one partner dress as a nun, and the other a priest (there is a hoard of costumes on Amazon). Maybe you’ve been a naughty nun and need some forgiveness…? Or, perhaps, you’re a dirty priest, and need redemption from your sins! Regardless, it’s time to let those demons out…
Happy Halloween
If you’re someone who lives alone, plan a virtual costume party with friends. Feeling too frisky for that? Get an online booty-call for some mutual masturbation or enjoy some solo-sex play.
It’s a strange time, but not even a global pandemic can steal this kinky Halloween or our access to pleasure. Same applies to you! Get creative and stay safe, spooky, and slutty!
Until next time,
Fuck well, friends!
Quean Mo xx